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​​​​​​​​​​Publications based on Member Health Survey data

Understanding the Uptake of Digital Technologies for Health-Related Purposes in Frail Older Adults

Author(s): Lee, David R; Lo, Joan C; Ramalingam, Nirmala; Gordon, Nancy P

J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 01;69(1):269-272. Epub 2020-10-03.

PubMed abstract

Racial-ethnic differences in prevalence of social determinants of health and social risks among middle-aged and older adults in a Northern California health plan

Author(s): Gordon, Nancy P; Banegas, Matthew P; Tucker-Seeley, Reginald D​

PLoS One. 2020;15(11):e0240822. Epub 2020-11-04.

PubMed abstract​

Association of Social and Behavioral Risk Factors With Earlier Onset of Adult Hypertension and Diabetes

Author(s): Pantell MS; Prather AA; Downing JM; Gordon NP; Adler NE

JAMA Netw Open. 2019 05 03;2(5):e193933. Epub 2019-05-03.

PubMed abstract

Digital Information Technology Use and Patient Preferences for Internet-Based Health Education Modalities: Cross-Sectional Survey Study of Middle-Aged and Older Adults With Chronic Health Conditions

Author(s): Gordon NP; Crouch E

JMIR Aging. 2019 Apr 04;2(1):e12243. Epub 2019-04-04.

PubMed abstract

Prevalence and Factors Influencing Use of Internet and Electronic Health Resources by Middle-Aged and Older Adults in a US Health Plan Population: Cross-Sectional Survey Study

Author(s): Crouch E; Gordon NP

JMIR Aging. 2019 Mar 26;2(1):e11451. Epub 2019-03-26.​

PubMed abstract

Sexual Orientation Disparities in Physical Activity: Results From Insured Adults in California

Author(s): Fricke J; Gordon N; Downing J

Med Care. 2019 02;57(2):138-144.

PubMed abstract

Understanding functional and social risk characteristics of frail older adults: a cross-sectional survey study

Author(s): Lee DR; Santo EC; Lo JC; Ritterman Weintraub ML; Patton M; Gordon NP

BMC Fam Pract. 2018 10 19;19(1):170. Epub 2018-10-19.

PubMed abstract

Older adults' readiness to engage with eHealth patient education and self-care resources: a cross-sectional survey

Author(s): Gordon NP; Hornbrook MC

BMC Health Serv Res. 2018 03 27;18(1):220. Epub 2018-03-27.

PubMed abstract

Racial-Ethnic Differences in Fall Prevalence among Older Women: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study

Author(s): Geng Y; Lo JC; Brickner L; Gordon NP

BMC Geriatr. 2017 Mar 11;17(1):65. Epub 2017-03-11.

PubMed abstract

The Kaiser Permanente Northern California Adult Member Health Survey

Author(s): Gordon N; Lin T

Perm J. 2016 Fall;20(4):34-42. Epub 2016-08-19.

PubMed abstract

Differences in Access to and Preferences for Using Patient Portals and Other eHealth Technologies Based on Race, Ethnicity, and Age: A Database and Survey Study of Seniors in a Large Health Plan

Author(s): Gordon NP; Hornbrook MC

J Med Internet Res. 2016;18(3):e50. Epub 2016-03-04.

PubMed abstract

Factors associated with use and non-use of the Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) kit for Colorectal Cancer Screening in Response to a 2012 outreach screening program: a survey study

Author(s): Gordon NP; Green BB

BMC Public Health. 2015;15:546. Epub 2015-06-11.

PubMed abstract

Variation in vitamin D supplementation among adults in a multi-race/ethnic health plan population, 2008

Author(s): Gordon NP; Caan BJ; Asgari MM

Nutr J. 2012 Dec 11;11:104.

PubMed abstract

Ethnic disparities in accessing treatment for depression and substance use disorders in an integrated health plan

Author(s): Satre DD; Campbell CI; Gordon NS; Weisner C

Int J Psychiatry Med. 2010;40(1):57-76.

PubMed abstract

Differences in reproductive risk factors for breast cancer in middle-aged women in Marin County, California and a sociodemographically similar area of Northern California

Author(s): Lea CS; Gordon NP; Prebil LA; Ereman R; Uratsu CS; Powell M

BMC Womens Health. 2009 Mar 25;9:6.

PubMed abstract

Race/ethnicity and validity of self-reported pneumococcal vaccination

Author(s): Gordon NP; Wortley PM; Singleton JA; Lin TY; Bardenheier BH

BMC Public Health. 2008 Jul 3;8:227.

PubMed abstract

Gay/Lesbian sexual orientation increases risk for cigarette smoking and heavy drinking among members of a large Northern California health plan

Author(s): Gruskin EP; Gordon N

BMC Public Health. 2006 Oct 3;6:241.

PubMed abstract

Use of dietary supplements by female seniors in a large Northern California health plan

Author(s): Gordon NP; Schaffer DM

BMC Geriatr. 2005 Feb 9;5:4.

PubMed abstract

Use of complementary and alternative medicine by the adult membership of a large northern California health maintenance organization, 1999

Author(s): Gordon NP; Lin TY

J Ambul Care Manage. 2004 Jan-Mar;27(1):12-24.

PubMed abstract

Nonvitamin, nonmineral supplement use over a 12-month period by adult members of a large health maintenance organization

Author(s): Schaffer DM; Gordon NP; Jensen CD; Avins AL

J Am Diet Assoc. 2003 Nov;103(11):1500-5.

PubMed abstract

Patient knowledge and awareness of hypertension is suboptimal: results from a large health maintenance organization

Author(s): Alexander M; Gordon NP; Davis CC; Chen RS

J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2003 Jul-Aug;5(4):254-60.

PubMed abstract

Patterns of cigarette smoking and alcohol use among lesbians and bisexual women enrolled in a large health maintenance organization​

Author(s): Gruskin EP; Hart S; Gordon N; Ackerson L

Am J Public Health. 2001 Jun;91(6):976-9.

PubMed abstract

Use of and interest in alternative therapies among adult primary care clinicians and adult members in a large health maintenance organization

Author(s): Gordon NP; Sobel DS; Tarazona EZ

West J Med. 1998 Sep;169(3):153-61.

PubMed abstract
