Special Reports
Here you may find a selection of presentations, reports, and publications based on the Member Health Survey. We constantly add to this listing additional reports and presentations of interest for the public as they are created.
What are Seniors Doing to Promote Healthy Aging? (Dec. 2012). This presentation describes the percentages of seniors:
- Taking various actions to promote healthy aging ("Triers")
- How well those who try and don't try to eat healthily get recommended results
- How well those who try and don't try to get enough exercise are achieving recommended goals
- Whether healthcare provider advice influences behavior
Seniors' Access to Information Technology and Preferred Methods of Obtaining Health Information and Health Education in 2011 (Nov. 2012). This report is designed to contribute to the evidence base for best practices for population-sensitive dissemination of information and health education planning. It does so by providing information about:
- Current access to the Internet
- Current access to email
- Preferences for different modalities of obtaining health information among adults aged 65 and over
- Preferences for different modalities of obtaining health education among adults aged 65 and over
Seniors Choice of Online vs. Print Response in the 2011 Member Health Survey (April 2012). This brief report describes choice of response modality (online vs. print questionnaire) to the Kaiser Permanente Northern California 2011 Member Health Survey by members aged 65 and over. It also examines how educational attainment and race-ethnicity affected email eligibility and preference for print vs. online survey questionnaire completion.
Readiness of Seniors in Kaiser Permanente's Northern California Region to Use New Information Technologies for Health-Care Related Communications: The HUNT Study (August 2009). This report summarizes the results of a 2008 survey of white, black, and Latino Kaiser Permanente member seniors. It shows how age cohort, gender, race-ethnicity, and education are associated with access to the Internet. It also tracks preferences for using the Internet for communicating with:
- The health care system (secure messaging)
- Transacting business (prescription refills, viewing lab results)
- Pbtaining health information and health education
Healthcare Using New Technologies (HUNT): A survey to assess seniors' readiness to use web-based methods of communicating about health and with the health care system in 2008 (September 2010) This PowerPoint presentation provides statistics from a 2008 survey of white, black, and Latino Kaiser Permanente members. The survey conducted showed how age, gender, race-ethnicity, and education are associated with:
- Access to the Internet
- Preferences for using the Internet for communicating with the health care system
- Preferences for using the Internet for obtaining health information and health education
Kaiser Permanente Northern California Members and Sleep, 2008 (May 2010)
This brief report created for National Sleep Month provides statistics about the percentage of Kaiser Permanente Northern California adult members in 2008 who:
- Got less than 6 and less than 7 hours of sleep
- Made an effort to get enough sleep
- Had frequent problems with sleep
- Who took OTC and prescription sleep medicines
Statistics are presented for different age, gender, and race-ethnic groups.
Adult Health Plan Members' Access to Information Technology and Preferred Methods for Obtaining Health Information and Health Education. (April 2010)
This report provides statistics based on the 2008 Member Health Survey about Kaiser Permanente members who had:
- Access to a computer, the Internet, and email as of Spring 2008
- Their use of the kp.org website to access information and services during the 12 months prior to the survey
- Methods used in the 12 months prior to the survey to obtain health Information
- Methods used in the 12 months prior to the survey to obtain help with changing health-related behaviors
- Preferred methods for obtaining health information
- Help with changing health-related behaviors and risks
Statistics are presented for different age, gender, and race-ethnic groups.
A Comparison of Demographic, Health Status, and Behavioral/Lifestyle Risk Factor Profiles of Kaiser Permanente Adult Membership, Aged 25-79 in 2008 vs. 2005 (February 2010)
This internal report compares selected demographic and health-related characteristics of the Kaiser Permanente Northern California region membership aged 25-79. It draws on Member Health Survey data for 2008 and 2005.What the Member Health Surveys Project Tells Us about the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Adult Membership: Demographics, IT Access, Behavioral/Lifestyle Risks, and Health: Trends, Race-Ethnic Differences, and Variation Across Service Populations (February 2008)
This PowerPoint presentation updates our tracking of selected demographic and health characteristics of Kaiser Permanente Northern California region adult members aged 25-79. It draws on Member Health Survey data from 1993, 1996, 2002, and 2005.
Preferred Methods of Learning About Health and Health Improvement (January 2007)
This report provides statistics about:
- Prevalence of computer, Internet, and email access as of Spring 2005
- Use of the Internet to get health information or relate to the health care system during the previous year
- Preferred methods of learning about taking care of health problems and improving health
2005 Member Health Survey Shows Significant Drop in HRT Use Compared to Previous Survey Years (January 2007)
This PowerPoint slide tracks estimated use of HRT by women aged 45-79 across the 1996, 1999, 2002, and 2005 Member Health Surveys.
Internet Access, Past Year Health-Related Use of the Internet, and Interest in Selected IT Modalities for Health Education (December 2006)
This PowerPoint presentation provides statistics for adult health plan members aged 25-79 in Kaiser Permanente's Northern California region related to:
- Computer, Internet, and email access
- Interest in using digital and web-based modalities for health education
This report is based on 2005 Member Health Survey data.
Reports from other data sources
Why Women Don't Come in for Pap Tests and Mammograms: QI Surveys of Women Very Overdue for These Screenings (November, December 2009)
These brief reports summarize the results of two small QI surveys conducted in Fall 2009 with women very overdue for Pap tests or mammograms. It seeks to learn whether there are reasons why these hard-to-reach women who aren't coming in that could be addressed by:
- Changes in service delivery
- The delivery setting
- Improved outreach communications.
In addition to examining reasons for the whole group, the survey analysis explored whether reasons differed for obese and non-obese women.
Why Women Don't Come in for Cervical Cancer Screening: Results of a Survey of KPNC Members Very Overdue for Pap Tests (November 2009)
Why Women Don't Come in for Breast Cancer Screening: Results of a Survey of KPNC Members Very Overdue for Mammograms (December 2009)