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​​Medical Center and Service Area Reports for 2014/2015

Profile reports are available for 19 medical center service populations (MCSPs) and 6 service areas. Members are administratively assigned to an MCSP (a hospital and its associated outpatient facilities) based on where the member receives most of his/her primary care. Service area populations combine 2 or more MCSPs.
Each profile report consists of sets of tables which provide information about the adult service population’s:

  • Sociodemographic and health characteristics:
    • Overall health status and ra​tes of selected health problems
    • Health-related behaviors
    • Psychosocial risks
    • For seniors: functional health status
  • Access to Internet, email, mobile phone, and text messaging
  • Modality preferences for receiving health information and health education regarding their health

These statistics are provided for men and women in four age groups (20-44 years, 45-64 years, 65 years and over, and 20 years and over). Technical issues such as the survey methodology, response rate, sample size, and weighting of respondent data are discussed at the beginning of each report. Recommended ways to cite the source of Member Health Survey data can be found at the end of the introductory text for each report.

Medical Center and Service Area Population Reports

Click links below for the 2014/2015 Member Health Survey reports for the 19 Northern California MCSPs and 6 service areas.

​​Additional reports

Characteristics of Adult Members in Kaiser Permanente’s Northern California Region
Characteristics of Members Aged 65 and Over in Kaiser Permanente’s Northern California Region, 2014-2015
Highlights of Results of the Kaiser Permanente Northern California 2014/2015 Member Health Survey ​