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​​2017 Member Health Survey Findings

The Member Health Survey, conducted by the Division of Research for Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC), provides a wealth of information on our member demographics, self-reported health status, health services and education utilization, and health-related behaviors.

The survey is conducted with a stratified random sample of English-speaking adult members who completed an online or mailed questionnaire. Details about the 2017 study sample and response rates can be found in the reports.

Note: The methods used to select the 2017 survey sample and create the weighting factors to the KPNC membership differ from those used previously. As a result, estimates from the 2017 survey are not directly comparable with those from previous years. 

Reports Produced from the 2017 Survey

The following reports can be accessed by clicking on 2017 Survey Results in the sidebar:

  • Characteristics of Older Adults in ​the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Region: Estimates for Adults age 65-90
  • Social Determinants of Health and Social Risk Prevalence in the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Adult Membership in 2017
  • Use of Digital Technologies and Preferred Modalities for Obtaining Health Information and Advice
  • Use of Complementary and Integrative Health Modalities by Kaiser Permanente Northern California Adult Members in 2017

More reports will be posted soon. Please check back for additional survey analyses.

Contact us

Check here for announcements of new reports that have been posted to the website. For more information about timing and topics or to make special requests for statistics based on Member Health Survey data, contact Nancy Gordon, Member Health Survey director, at:
