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​​2014-15 Member Health Survey Findings

The Member Health Survey, conducted by the Division of Research for Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC), provides a wealth of information on our member demographics, self-reported health status, health services and education utilization, and health-related behaviors. The survey is conducted with a stratified random sample of English-speaking adult members who provide data by completing a mailed print questionnaire or an online questionnaire. Details about the sample and response rates for this survey year can be found in the profile reports.

Reports Produced from the 2014-15 Survey

The region reports profile the adult Health Plan membe​rship aged 20 and over in the Northern California region, based on self-reported data collected through mailed surveys of random samples of adult Health Plan members from 19 medical center service populations during the 2014 and 2015 data collection years. As part of this survey cycle, in 2016 we also conducted a small survey of adult members whose primary language is Spanish. The results of that survey will be posted when available.

The following reports can be accessed by clicking on the 2014-15 Survey results in the side bar found on this page:

  • 2014/2015 N. Cal Highlights Report
  • 2014/2015 Region Reports (Ages 20+ and Ages 65+)
  • 2014/2015 Medical Center and Service Area Reports

Reports and presentations on specific topics can be found in the Special Reports section under the Resources heading.​